Mouthguards & Night Guards

Mouthguards provide protection to teeth, lips, mouth, and jaw. We strongly recommend the use of mouthguards for kids who play sports—especially contact sports—and night guards for individuals suffering from teeth grinding.

Mouthguards and Night Guards

A mouthguard should be considered an essential piece of equipment for every athlete who participates in contact sports and activities—adults and children alike. A mouthguard cushions the blow when you are hit and can prevent serious injuries that may result in a lifetime of oral health problems. Our mouthguards are custom-made from lightweight material that is both comfortable and effective and can be easily inserted and removed when needed. They do not interfere with your regular breathing or speaking.

Night guards are similar to mouth guards but are worn while sleeping to prevent damage from a disorder that causes you to clench and grind your teeth while you are asleep unknowingly. This disorder is called bruxism, and leaving it untreated can result in teeth fractures, breakages, headaches, and jaw pain. We offer 3D printing of night guards to get you the care you need quickly.

mouth guard sitting next to tooth brush
  • What are the types of dental mouthguards?

    There are three types of mouthguards, which are listed below:

    1. Stock mouth protectors that come ready to wear. These are inexpensive and can be bought at most sporting goods stores. However, you cannot adjust their fit; they tend to be bulky, which sometimes makes breathing and talking difficult. Additionally, these types of mouthguards provide minimal protection.
    2. Boil and bite mouth protectors can also be bought at most sporting goods stores, offering a better fit than stock mouth protectors. This mouthguard is placed in hot water to soften and then in the mouth to shape around the teeth.
    3. Custom-fitted mouthguards are designed individually and made in the dental office based on your dentist’s instructions. Your dentists will first make an impression on your teeth and then mold the mouthguard over the model. This type of mouthguard provides the most protection and comfort.
  • What are options for treating TMJ?

    TMJ is a disorder that causes pain in your neck and jaw areas, or/and a clicking noise when you open or close your mouth. It can also limit the range of motion in your jaw.

    There are several things you can do to help TMJ, including a temporary night guard, avoiding sharp movements with your jaw, icing your jaw to prevent inflammation, modifying your diet to include softer foods that require less chewing, and practicing relaxations and light stretching techniques to reduce tension in your jaw.

  • Why are mouthguards important in sports?

    There are numerous reasons why wearing a mouthguard when playing sports is important. First, mouthguards protect against displacing teeth as they help distribute force over all of your teeth, which prevents one or two teeth from bearing the brunt of the blow. They can also protect against injuries to soft tissues and prevent jaw and teeth fractures. Ultimately, mouthguards may help prevent concussions as the padding could lessen the force between the upper and lower rows of teeth and lessen the force of the jaw as it pushes on the skull.

Need a Mouthguard?

If you have more questions about mouthguards and night guards, please contact our office and we will be happy to discuss further.

Handcrafted Smiles

2101 S. Arlington Heights Road
Suite 117
Arlington Heights, IL 60005
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Monday - 12PM - 7PM

Tuesday - 8AM - 5PM

Wednesday - 8AM - 5PM

Thursday - 2PM - 7PM

Friday - Closed

Saturday 8AM - 1PM (the second and fourth Saturday of each month)

Sunday - Closed


(847) 357-3899